

About { me; }

四月🦋 ⁸Đ× ♡💙♡ 22:22 { 20; He/She; ヾ(≧▽≦*)o; }

Hi, my name is Sharu and I’m from Spain. This website is a place for all the things I want to share: my game reviews, game projects, art, softwares and anything else I create.

My most liked hobbies are video games (I think it's pretty obvious), anime, sharks, cats and bears, Sanrio and some music genres like J-Pop, alternative Spanish, Vocaloid and video game soundtracks.

I have two cats, if you see any pictures of a white cat with heterochromia it's probably Pitufa. And if you see a cute brown-haired cat with tiger patterns, it's Wi-Fi! Yes, his name is Wi-Fi. :P

Zack Fair

“Embrance your dreams.
If you want to be a hero,
you need to have dreams.”

Coded with love ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆